We at Books Are Wings would like to invite you to “Becoming One People: What is Our Story” a virtual event celebrating the release of Michael Fine’s new book The Bull and Other Stories, on January 19th at 7:00 PM. Hosted by Mario Bueno, this event features a brief talk about the role of fiction and the arts in democracy: creating a vision of ourselves as one people. There will also be a panel discussion with actor and director Ricardo Pitts-Wiley, artist Bert Crenca, author Samuel Shem and musician Cathy Clasper-Torch. The event will finish out with a reading of one of Michael Fine’s stories.

The Bull and Other Stories, Michael Fine’s new book, has attracted rave reviews in The Providence Journal, The Martha’s Vineyard Times, and from many of Rhode Island’s writers and thinkers. Dr. Fine would love you to join him in supporting Books Are Wings. Register for the event at the link below, and your registration will help to support Books Are Wings Mission of getting FREE books into the hands of children. Donate $25 or more to Books Are Wings and we’ll send you signed limited edition copy of The Bull and Other Stories. We at Books Are Wings can’t wait to see you at this event!