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Giving the Gift of Literacy this Holiday!

From all of us at Books Are Wings, we want to thank you for your continued support of reading and literacy in Rhode Island. Because of your time, investment and support we have been able to give the gift of literacy all year long. Every child in Rhode Island deserves access to books in their home and to be excited about books and reading, and you have had a direct impact on the lives of children around Rhode Island. This year we’ve been able to serve more people than ever – building the libraries of families and empowering young readers. We are changing the literacy landscape in Rhode Island:

  1. Through our school and community programming, Book Spots and participation in community events, we put 76,899 books into our local communities.

  2. 100% of schools surveyed reported that BAW helps children look for books that match their interest and inquires

  3. 87.5% of schools reported that BAW provides encouragement and shows general interest in developing children’s interests and tastes as readers.

  4. We opened SIX new book spots and maintained and stocked a total of 17 Book Spots around our community!

  5. Our Gift of Literacy campaign has raised $19,100 with just a few weeks left to reach our $20,000 goal on December 31st.

  6. We receive a $30,000 grant from the Champlin Foundation for the purchase of new book van in 2020.

  7. During the 2018-2019 school year, we saw 4,695 children in our Books All Year programs during community events, classroom read-aloud and book parties. Programs occurred in 12 schools across three cities.

Books Are Wings works to foster the ideals of equity and dignity in supporting access to books and reading for ALL Rhode Islanders. We are supporting improved educational outcomes in reading, empowering families to read together and providing the critical resource of books across the state, to children who might not otherwise have their own books at home.We look forwards to furthering our mission of empowering young readers and fostering a culture of reading in our community in 2020, with your support.

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Happy holidays from Books Are Wings and thank you for your support of community, literacy and education!

If you are looking for a simple meaningful gift before the year ends, please donate and help us reach our Gift of Literacy Campaign goal before 2019 ends!

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